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Image Source: Associated Press




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Kenya: Heavy rains and flooding update


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  • More than 306,520 (61,304 families) have been affected by heavy rains and floods between 1 March and 18 June 2024, according to the National Disaster Operations Centre (NDOC).
  • An estimated 315 people have been killed, 188 injured, and 38 missing, while more than 293,200people (58,641 families) have been displaced.
  • At least 81 displacement sites in six out of 43 counties affected by floods are active,accommodating 54,000 people, according to the Kenya Red Cross Society as of 14 June.
  • An estimated 350,000 learners are out of school due to floods and lack of school meals, since schools resumed for the second term on 13 May 2024, according to the Ministry of Education as of 10 June.
  • The March-April-May (MAM) 2024 rainfall period has ceased over most parts of the country,according to the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD).
  • The UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) released US$3 million to support lifesaving and life-sustaining assistance to 190,000 people in10 counties in Kenya.

Give A Hand's Relief Efforts for Flood Victims

Report on Give a Hand's Relief Efforts for Flood Victims in Kolwa East


In the wake of the devastating floods that wreaked havoc upon the community of Kolwa East, Give a Hand, a dedicated humanitarian organization with a steadfast commitment to supporting communities in times of crisis, sprung into action. The catastrophic inundation led to widespread displacement, destruction of homes, and severe disruption of livelihoods, plunging countless families into a dire and urgent need for assistance. Recognizing the urgency of the situation and driven by compassion and solidarity, Give a Hand swiftly mobilized its resources and deployed a highly skilled and empathetic team to provide crucial aid and essential supplies to the flood-stricken victims.

The unfolding tragedy underscored the critical importance of immediate and coordinated humanitarian response efforts. The floods not only caused physical damage but also inflicted emotional and psychological trauma on the affected individuals and families. The disruption of basic services, such as access to clean water, food, shelter, and sanitation, further exacerbated the already dire situation. In response to this multifaceted crisis, Give a Hand embarked on a mission to alleviate the suffering, restore dignity, and rebuild hope among the affected communities.

Relief Distribution:

The relief distribution operation orchestrated by Give a Hand was a testament to meticulous planning, effective coordination, and unwavering commitment to serving those in need. The distribution strategy encompassed a wide array of essential items carefully selected to address the immediate and pressing needs of the flood victims. The following comprehensive table delineates the items distributed, their respective unit quantities, and prices per kilogram, highlighting the meticulous attention to detail and strategic allocation of resources:

Effectiveness Of The distribution:

The food distribution initiative carried out by Give a hand proved to be highly effective in addressing the immediate nutritional needs of the flood-affected communities. Through meticulous planning and coordination with local authorities and other humanitarian organizations, we were able to reach over 1000 individuals across 135.90 km squared affected areas within a span of one day. The strategic placement of distribution points and the deployment of mobile units ensured that even the most remote and severely impacted locations received timely assistance. Feedback from beneficiaries indicated a high level of satisfaction, with many expressing relief and gratitude for the prompt support. Additionally, the use of a needs-based assessment approach allowed us to tailor our food packages to the specific dietary requirements of different demographics, including children, elderly, and those with special dietary needs.

Overall, the initiative not only alleviated hunger but also restored a sense of hope and community resilience among the flood victims.


Give a Hand's impactful relief efforts in Kolwa East have left a lasting positive impact on the lives of the flood-affected families. Through the provision of essential supplies, ongoing support, and compassionate assistance, the organization has not only alleviated immediate hardships but also laid a foundation for long-term recovery and resilience within the community. Moving forward, continued support and collaborative efforts will be vital in fostering sustainable recovery and rebuilding processes, ensuring a brighter future for all those affected by the floods.


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"With five children to look after, the flood disaster left us without basic necessities and in a state of uncertainty. Give a Hand's support came at a crucial time for our family. The bar soap and sanitary towels ensured hygiene and dignity for us during this challenging period, and their generosity brought a sense of relief and gratitude to our hearts."

Sharon Anyango
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"As a parent responsible for six children, ensuring their well-being amidst the flood crisis was my top priority. The assistance from Give a Hand greatly eased our burden. The provision of salt and powder soap was indispensable for our daily cooking and cleaning needs, and their support played a pivotal role in helping us navigate through these challenging times."

Austine Owino
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"With four young children to care for, the flood situation left us feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed. Give a Hand's distribution of essential items was nothing short of a blessing. The sanitary towels and matchsticks provided were crucial for maintaining hygiene and comfort, and their support restored a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos caused by the floods."

Aduma Otieno
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"As a mother of six, witnessing our home ravaged by the floods was a devastating experience. However, the relief supplies received from Give a Hand brought a much-needed ray of hope to our family. The sugar and soap were particularly essential for our daily survival, and their support made a significant difference in our ability to cope during such trying times."

Fiona Otieno
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"Managing a household of eight, the support from Give a Hand was truly a lifeline during the flood crisis. The supplies provided, especially the maize flour and cooking fat, not only sustained us but also provided a sense of security amidst the challenges we faced. We are deeply thankful for the timely assistance from Give a Hand."

Jacob Omondi
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